In a Wired article earlier this year, entitled “Fitness Isn’t a Lifestyle Anymore, Sometime’s It’s a Cult,”  writer Meaghen Brown observes the recent trend towards collaborative fitness, reflecting on movements like CrossFit, Orange Theory, and specifically The November Project. She writes: “Fitness researchers see the trend as both natural and encouraging. ‘Perhaps what was unnatural was the movement toward exercising alone that the fitness industry often promoted,’ says Pedro Teixeira, one of the most extensively published experts on motivation and exercise. ‘We tend to find meaning and pleasure in sharing our activities with others.’

In my last post about this topic, “Health and Fitness Online Part 1“, I talked about Daily Burn, which is a digital tool tapping into this same “movement” and “community-oriented” mentality. Daily Burn recognizes that the average person doesn’t always have time to drive to a gym and instead delivers the community experience to your living room–or wherever you prefer to work out–through live streamed and video archived workouts, paired with a vibrant online forum staffed with personal trainers and nutrition experts. 

As affordable as Daily Burn is ($14.95/month), that price can still be hefty for a large chunk of the population. For many Americans, fitness is a luxury because the price of gym or fitness movement memberships is simply untenable. Even for those who can afford the membership, is it really worth it if you are only using it occasionally? (See NPR’s “Why We Sign Up For Gym Membership But Never Go to the Gym,”) I faced this same problem after I was no longer at university, with access to the school fitness center and access to my college roommates with whom I would work out. 

Before I discovered Daily Burn, I stumbled across an app called “MakeMe“. MakeMe’s premise is simple–it’s a group accountability app. You can use it for all sorts of things, but the primary objective is to recreate the kind of accountability network you may have had in college or living with roommates. You begin by identifying a goal that you would like to achieve, for instance, working out 4 times a week. Then you identify and connect with a group of friends (or acquaintances!) who also wish to accomplish that goal, or something similar. MakeMe allows you to plug all that data in and then sets up a communal challenge.

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Then the challenge begins. Every day you sign in to inform the group whether you “Made It” or took an off day. Your amount of off days depends on the parameters you set for the challenge. Photos and location tags allow you to “prove the make” and earn extra points. In addition, you gradually earn cards throughout the challenge that you can also play instead of or in addition to your makes. Cards range from strategic–3 day unplugs let you take a few days off if needed–to team-building with various encouraging phrases aimed at one or all of your teammates. Another form of affirmation comes with the ability to “fist-bump” your teammates, essentially the equivalent of a “like” in MakeMe.


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Throughout it all, the app keeps track of you and your team’s progress. If one team member fails, other team members can use cards to “save them” . At the end of the designated duration of the challenge, the app then tells you how you did and who managed to complete the challenge successfully.

The beauty of this app is its flexibility. You, the individual, set the parameters. Over the years in which I have used this with my friends, we have tried a number of different incentives and consequences, and we have altered the goals as needed. In addition, each participant can tweak the team goals to suit their individual needs, without altering everyone else’s personal goals, at the start of each challenge.

Though the app is specifically geared to accountability, it ends up acting like a social network as well. My current team predominately lives in Southern California, while I live in Colorado. Through the app, I can keep up with their lives and see a glimpse into what they’re up to because of the photos and comments left by my friends. 

The app, of course, is not perfect. It can be buggy at times, and we still don’t quite understand some of the mechanics. It is also only as effective as the team members make it. We have to sign in regularly and actually use it for it to work. But we do. For the endorphin-releasing fist-bumps. For the joy of each other’s sweaty selfies. Even for the occasional moment of guilt when we’d rather stay in bed but know that the others are putting in the work and so should you.

This is accountability for a digital age, and I think MakeMe gets at the heart of what using technology well looks like. We cannot rely on technology to do the work of fitness for us. Technology aimed at improvement should simply provide a scaffolding, while we the humans continue to do the work. That being said, I find most fitness or improvement technologies are simply mimicries of analog tools such as notepads. Yes, they may add up your calories and allow you to easily search a database for food items, but you could also do this with pen and paper and a little mental math. These types of technologies simplify analog tasks but they don’t truly utilize technology to empower in innovative ways. MakeMe, in contrast, while it is still simple, taps into both gameification and network logic in a brilliant way–harnessing the energy of one’s existing community along with humanity’s love of games to help one succeed in daily life. 

It is not enough for technology to simply copy our analog lives into the cloud. Rather improvement technologies should harness the cloud and other technological capabilities to serve and empower our analog lives. At the end of the day, we can only rely on ourselves to make the next step forward but technology could lend a helping hand.

Please note that my link to Daily Burn is an affiliate link – I receive a month’s worth of credit if you try the program out. (It’s a 30 day free trial!)
The featured image was made available for use through a CC.0 license on Pexel.

I have very mixed feelings about the quantifiable self movement. For those unfamiliar with that term, the quantifiable self refers to the ways in which we can use modern technology to collect data about how our bodies are functioning on a daily basis. This is most prominently seen in the use of wearables (like the Fitbit), which monitor numbers like heart rate, calories burned, and steps walked, but the quantifiable self movement encompasses any approach to viewing the body through the lens of various sets of measurements.

The quantifiable self movement (QSM) is intended to empower the individual to take control of their lives–if knowledge is power, then more knowledge of the body can only be a good thing, right? However, as many editorials and articles have pointed out, the QSM also seems to be associated with higher levels of anxiety and obsessive behavior from participants seeking to obtain “the right numbers” – whatever those might be.

I do have a Fitbit (Zip), and I wear it occasionally, but my previous experiences with walking challenges and pedometers has left me utterly frustrated and doing inane things like walking on the spot while brushing my teeth just to try to meet my step goals. I had just about given up on the potential for technology to help humans lead fitter, healthier lives, when I encountered two pieces of tech that changed my mind. While both pieces of technology provide a means to track and maintain your health and fitness goals, neither are associated with the quantifiable self movement. Instead one might say that these pieces of technology are about quality rather than quantity or measurements. This week I’ll tell you about the first and then, next week, I will address the second.

The first is actually a website–a combination of an online community with a Hulu-like streaming service for fitness videos. The website is called Daily Burn, and you may have heard about it or seen their commercials while watching shows on Hulu. Daily Burn has an archive of numerous fitness programs of all types, ranging from Pilates and yoga to dance workouts and high intensity cardio and strength circuits. That in itself is nice, but what really distinguishes the website is (1) Daily Burn 365 and (2) its community.

The Daily Burn Interface. I Chromecast it to my TV screen.
The Daily Burn Interface. I Chromecast it to my TV screen.

Every day at 9am EST they release a new live workout with a different trainer and a different style. You never know what you are getting, so you can’t get bored, and they frequently bring in fascinating guests to chat about their own fitness journeys. You can participate live, or you can cue up the video anytime throughout the day. It’s only up one day and then poof it’s gone and replaced with something new. While traditional fitness videos are demonstrated by a group of highly trained fitness experts with sculpted bodies, the DB365 crew (besides the lead trainer) are regular folks at different stages in their fitness journeys, who are striving to grow stronger along with those who tune in online.

Today's Daily Burn team, led by trainer Phoenix, in motion doing around the clock lunges.
Today’s Daily Burn team, led by trainer Phoenix, in motion doing around-the-clock lunges.

This leads to the second distinguishing factor in Daily Burn–the community. While most of the Internet is overrun by trolls who are intent on spreading their negativity, Daily Burn is this rare pocket of genuine mutual love and positive energy. If you participate in the workouts live, there is a chat box on the side where you can comment on the workout as you go through it. DB365ers will sign in early just to chat with each other and talk about what’s going on in their lives and then, throughout the workout, the conversation continues with expressions of encouragement and motivation to each other, the trainers, and the on-camera participants, especially when the sweat really starts dripping! Fitness and nutrition experts sign on to the chat as well, ready to offer any points of advice, especially if something doesn’t feel right when doing a move. After the workouts, there is a forum and the (private) Facebook Page to continue the conversation and also get more fitness and health advice from experts and peers.

The Daily Burn Forum
The Daily Burn Forum

When I first joined, I was very skeptical about all the enthusiasm–people couldn’t really be this happy! But now that I’ve been a member of the family for about six months now, I can verify that it’s the real deal. As a naturally cynical person, participating in Daily Burn has challenged me to have a more positive outlook on life and the people around me. In addition, the term family is not just a marketing ploy, it actually reflects the intimate nature of the community. You grow to love all the trainers, the delightful host JD, the studio participants, and the regulars who sign on every day and every week. My Facebook feed is now frequently populated by posts from Daily Burners, so I get to see them outside of the workouts, as real people with real lives.

Fitness with Daily Burn becomes less of a goal and more a part of a lifestyle, a lifestyle committed to loving oneself and the body you’ve been given, to loving life, and most importantly to loving one another. Each day in Daily Burn, we are reminded that fitness has a lot to teach us about personal strength (beyond just the physical), commitments, discipline, and perseverance. And we do it together, just as everything we do in life is far more rewarding when it is done in community.

Daily Burn is a great example of the Internet used to its best potential. There is yet hope that we can overcome the trolls and further tap into the Internet’s ability to connect people.

If you are interested in giving Daily Burn a try, they have a 30 day free trial, which is a fantastic way to see if you might like it. If you do, please sign up through this link. Daily Burn has not paid me to write this review, but I do get a referral credit when people sign up through me.

After the free trial, the good news is that Daily Burn is only $13/month. That’s much cheaper than a gym membership, and you get a whole lot more than a gym membership for that price.

Some of the other fitness programs that Daily Burn offers.
Some of the other fitness programs that Daily Burn offers.

If you do try it, let me know. I’d love to hear your experiences! As always, if you haven’t already, subscribe below via email to High and Low to make sure you don’t miss my weekly posts. You can also follow me on Twitter @highandlowblog.

Featured image is courtesy of

We are currently living through a particularly tumultuous season of history. Decades from now, our children will read in textbooks about 2016’s unprecedented election dynamics, about racial tensions in the U.S. and the Black Lives Matter movement, about mass shootings and debates on gun laws, and about ISIS and global terrorism. Since I study and write about culture and media, I have been acutely aware that these are all topics that I should not only be thinking about but also potentially discussing in this blog. However, I also feel entirely ill-equipped to say anything new or anything meaningful and insightful about any of these topics. I, like the rest of the U.S. and the world, am constantly wrestling with what each of these events or movements mean for the lives of individuals and communities. 

I found these sentiments echoed during the latest episode of Reply All, which is a Gimlet podcast about the internet. While the first half of the episode was about Stolen Valor viral videos (an interesting topic in and of itself), in the second half, PJ Vogt, one of the hosts, made a very intentional shift. He wrote:

It felt really weird making a show about the internet this week. The whole world watched videos of two black men being killed by police, and then a sniper killing five police officers in Dallas. Over here, we all feel overwhelmed. We don’t feel like we have anything smart or insightful to say about this, it also felt really dishonest to just do a show and pretend like this big, horrible thing isn’t there.PJ Vogt, Reply All

In this space of not being sure how to respond, he stumbled across the work of NPR journalist Sam Sanders on Twitter. Sanders went down to Dallas and found the reality of the situation to be quite different to that which most people, outside the city, have experienced when engaging or discussing the Dallas shootings online. This seems quite obvious, but in our era of ever-present cameras and smart phones offering a “front row” seat to global current affairs, it’s easy to think that we actually know and can comprehend the dynamics of what is happening around the world and within our own nation.

Sam also realized something else while he was reporting on Dallas. I will quote his and PJ’s conclusions below, but I urge you to actually go listen to the full episode to hear it in context. The segment in question begins about 2/3 of the way through.

SAM: Th- that’s the thing. The internet is not the larger conversation, the internet is the smaller conversation. I, like, had this realization. I was checking into a hotel room Sunday night in Dallas, and this woman asked me what I’m doing, what I’m in town for, and I’m like, “Oh, I’m a journalist,” and she’s like, “Oh, what are you doing?” And I – I said, “I work for NPR, I’m covering this shooting.” And she’s like, “Oh, my god.” So we start talking about the shooting and her interactions with police and–we have a long conversation–and finally she says to me, “You know, I see both sides. I see Black Lives Matter point, I see the police officer’s point. I see both sides, but whenever you say that you see one side, everyone thinks that you hate the other side, so I just stay quiet.”

PJ: That’s it. That’s what he saw. And I know how small that is. I know how … meagre it is to find hope in the fact that people are quietly thinking about something. But I think Sam’s right. Like, even though we know that we’re ruder and louder and more argumentative on the internet, I think that we forget that the other thing the internet doesn’t show us is quiet. The moments that we’re all having where we’re sitting there turning this stuff over, trying to make sense of it. It can feel like nobody else is doing that.

In response to those really important acknowledgements, I encourage you, if you are not already, join us in sitting quietly while “turning this stuff over and trying to make sense of it.” 

If you are already doing that, take heart that you are not alone and that you don’t have to participate in the loud Internet conversations for your thoughts to be validated.

Thank you to PJ, Alex, and Sam for this thoughtful reflection. I highly recommend their show Reply All for a quirky, curious exploration of the unseen nooks and crannies of the Internet.

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